More reviews, better rankings, zero hassle

Double your review volume in less than 60 days and boost your visibility where it matters—on Google.

Rank higher, get found faster

More reviews equal higher local rankings. Capture your audience’s attention by automating the collection of reviews and boosting your Google Business Profile.

Review Automation, Done Right

Ask for reviews at the perfect time—automatically. With reminders and smart triggers, you’ll never miss an opportunity to collect glowing feedback.

Handle negative feedback before it hits Google

Worried about bad reviews? Our system routes internal reviews through a 5-star filter, so you can address concerns privately before they affect your ratings.

Let AI Respond for You

Responding to reviews is critical for rankings and customer trust. Revy, our AI assistant, automatically responds to reviews, keeping you timely and on-brand without lifting a finger.

Share 5 star reviews on social media, automatically.

Turn your best reviews into eye-catching social posts. Revy even helps by designing a template and publishing it across your chosen channels.


What our clients are saying

"Would highly recommend to any business"

Nothing but praise for RevenU Lab. Would highly recommend to any business.

- Steve M

"I'm glad we got on board early"

"Wow, what can I say. Revenu is a game changer. As Head of Sales for Goat Taxi Trucks I was tasked to lead and grow our brand. AI was front of mind but not at this level. Revenu provides the same output as four full time sales reps at 1-2% of the cost. Revenu will revolutionise the sales industry and I'm glad we got on board early."
- Chris S

"The functionality is spot-on"

"RevenU Lab has saved us so much time. The functionality is spot-on, helping us streamline our sales and marketing. The support is fantastic. Highly recommend!"
- Angelo H


100% Money Back Guarantee

Try Revenu Lab risk-free. If the system isn’t the right fit for you within 30 days, you’ll get a full refund—no questions asked. Plus, your commitment is month to month. No lock-in contracts, just flexibility.

Businesses that win don’t rely on luck—they rely on systems.

revenulab is that system.


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